We firmly believe that a crucial phase of our research projects is the dissemination of their results. For this reason the research groups that work within CIRCULAr and BRITEs are actively involved in communication and divulgation activities, addressed first of all to the scientific community itself, but also to the rest of civil society.
Divulgation events for children and adults
We promote the beauty of research and scientific discovery linked to our projects, while educating people about recycling, enhancing a circular concept of the economy.

Attendance to congresses and events
We are present at the main scientific congresses in the sector at national and international level, in order to disseminate our results and discuss them with experts, with a view to collaboration and mutual exchange of information.

- RETASTE (rethink food waste) Conference 2021 (Atene, Grecia)
- GLOSERV (Global Conference on Services and Retail Management) 2021 (Università di Napoli Federico II e University of South Florida)
- SIBR (Conference on interdisciplinary business & economics research) 2021 (Osaka, Giappone)
Scientific publications
We publish in international journals in order to reach a wide audience of colleagues.

- Melotti L. et al (2021) A Prototype Skin Substitute, Made of Recycled Marine Collagen, Improves the Skin Regeneration of Sheep. Animals 11(5): 1219. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11051219
- Ferrario C et al (2020) From Food Waste to Innovative Biomaterial: Sea Urchin-Derived Collagen for Applications in Skin Regenerative Medicine. Marine drugs 18(8): 414. https://doi.org/10.3390/md18080414